Tips for Keeping Dogs and Children Safe
October 21, 2021 Training & Development Lifestyle Current & TrendingA dog bite can be damaging and potentially fatal to children and even adults. No one wants to be responsible for their dog injuring another person. Dogs raised in homes without the presence of children may actually be more likely to injure a child. Dogs raised around children learn how to tolerate them. Dogs raised away from children don’t have the proper knowledge of how to act around children appropriately. Fortunately, an owner can take steps to improve a puppy’s tolerance of children before the puppy reaches adulthood.
Read More5 Halloween Safety Tips for Dogs
October 19, 2021 Current & Trending LifestyleSpooky season is here! Does your dog like Halloween? In today’s episode of Talkin’ Dogs, we’re going to talk about some safety tips for your 4-legged pal.
Read More5 Tips for Picking the Best Halloween Costume for Your Dog
October 14, 2021Halloween is approaching, and your dog doesn’t have a costume! What do you do to get them spooky ready? In this blog post, we have five tips to help you pick out the best outfit for your dog.
Read MoreLesser Known Considerations of Service Animals
October 8, 2021 Current & TrendingAs a pet parent, you probably feel like your fur baby hung the moon. However, if you have a service animal, then you truly understand how extraordinary these angels on four legs can be. But you don’t have to already have a service animal in your life to appreciate them. This article describes some of the most interesting but relatively little-known considerations of service animals.
Read MoreAmerican Eskimo - Breed Spotlight
September 27, 2021 Breeds & InformationOriginally a variety of German Spitz, the American Eskimo dog shares the same history and lineages as the German Spitz varieties that include the Keeshond, Pomeranian, and Volpino Italiano.
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