Continental Kennel Club's Registration Rules

Continental Kennel Club is dedicated to providing every breeder, owner, and dog with a superior membership experience. In order to live up to our promises and standards, we've worked hard on renewing and updating our Rules & Regulations.


I. Membership

II. Purebred Status and Testing

III. Breeding & Litter Registration

IV. Puppy & Canine Registration

‣ Significant Changes to Revised Registration Rules (effective June 1, 2020)

‣ Old Rules

‣ CKC Member Service Fees

I. Membership

A. General Responsibilities

  1. Upon the first successful registration or transfer of a canine with Continental Kennel Club, Inc. (CKC), the registration applicant becomes a member, subject to the terms of this agreement, which may be updated from time to time.
  2. The member will be presumed to agree, follow, abide, and comply with the current CKC registration rules, guidelines, policies, and procedures as if he/she had signed his/her name and set his/her seal to these registration rules, guidelines, policies, and procedures in the same manner as with any binding agreement.
  3. Members found to be in violation of any rules, guidelines, policies, or procedures are subject to having their registration privileges suspended or revoked.
  4. CKC reserves the right to investigate any member to ensure compliance with CKC registration rules, guidelines, policies, and procedures.
  5. Members found to be in violation of any registration rules, guidelines, policies, or procedures are responsible for all fees incurred by CKC’s investigation, including, but not limited to, DNA testing, PEA testing, and any other tests CKC requires for compliance.

B. Ethical Responsibilities

  1. All members shall adhere to ethical breeding and business practices according to the CKC’s Ethical Guidelines for breeders.
  2. All members will follow the policies and guidelines of local and state laws regarding the proper care and housing of canines in their possession.
  3. Continental Kennel Club reserves the right to refuse registration to any person or to limit, suspend, or revoke the registration privileges of any member who:
    • Is convicted of a crime of cruelty to animals in any state, province, territory, or country,
    • Acts in a manner that CKC deems unethical, fraudulent, or dishonest,
    • Misrepresents any canine(s) as CKC-registered or CKC-registerable,
    • Refuses to cooperate with or hinders in any way a CKC investigation or
    • Refuses to reimburse CKC registration fees if found to be in violation of any of CKC registration rules, guidelines, policies, and procedures.

C. Ownership & Transfers

  1. Applications submitted with multiple owners listed will result in the applicant canine being registered equally to all owners listed.
  2. Application for registration made by minors (persons under 18 years of age) must have a parent or legal guardian as a co-owner of his/her canine(s).
  3. When transferring ownership of a CKC-registered canine, the registered owner must sign the back of the original certificate.
    • If more than one owner is listed on the certificate, all owners listed must sign the certificate.
  4. The new owner(s) must also sign the original certificate and return it to CKC with the transfer fee.
  5. Canines must be registered in the new owner’s name immediately upon the transfer of the dog/puppy from one owner to another.

D. Contracts & Agreements

  1. CKC is not responsible for and assumes no role in the enforcement of independent contracts or conditions of sale such as spay/neuter agreements, health guarantees, or breeding agreements between members, breeders, owners, or any other person involved in these matters.
  2. Agreements between the buyer and seller which assign conditions or fees for the transfer of CKC registration paperwork are in violation of CKC membership rules and will result in revocation of membership privileges.

II. Purebred Status and Testing

A. Purebred Registration

  1. All purebred canines registered with CKC must be ‘of proper breed type,’ which is in addition to purebred status.
  2. Any canine submitted for registration as a purebred canine will be measured by the official Continental Kennel Club breed standard for the breed should the purebred status or breed type be called into question.
  3. CKC determines the official name for each breed we recognize and publishes breed standards for official CKC breeds.

B. Photo Enhancement Analysis (PEA)

  1. In cases where the breed type of a registered canine is in question, CKC will recognize and act upon the results of Photo Enhancement Analysis (PEA) testing to determine if the canine in question is of the proper breed type. PEA testing shall be done according to current procedures as set forth by CKC and at the expense of the party contesting or challenging the breed type of the canine.
  2. Any breeder or owner of a registered canine where the breed type of the canine is challenged as not being ‘of proper breed type’ by another member agrees to submit the canine for PEA testing at CKC’s request. All parties involved agree to abide by the results of the PEA test.

C. Genetic Testing (DNA)

  1. In cases of questionable parentage of any CKC-registered canine or applicant for registration, Continental Kennel Club will recognize and act upon the results of DNA testing to determine the parentage of any canine(s) in question.
  2. The DNA testing shall be conducted at a CKC-recognized DNA-testing facility, according to current DNA-testing procedures as set forth by CKC, at the expense of the party or parties contesting or challenging the parentage.
  3. All owners and breeders of CKC-registered canines or litters involved agree to submit their canine(s) for DNA testing at CKC’s request and agree to abide by the results of said tests.

D. Picture and Witness Evaluation (PAW)

  1. Any registration applicant or member who is in good standing with CKC and owns a non-registered, purebred canine that is at least one (1) year of age may apply for registration through the Picture and Witness (PAW) Evaluation Program using a current PAW Registration Application.
  2. Application for purebred recognition of a dog under the PAW Registration Program must be made using an official CKC PAW Registration Application and accompanied with required documentation.
  3. Only canines of approved CKC breeds may be considered for registration under the rules and guidelines of the program.
  4. CKC reserves the right to reject any applicant who, in the opinion of CKC, is not a good candidate for the program.
  5. Canines who are denied registration under the PAW Evaluation Program will not be registered with CKC and are therefore ineligible to be listed as the sire or dam for a CKC-registered litter or any other canine registered with CKC.

III. Breeding & Litter Registration

A. Litter Applications and Puppy Papers

  1. Any breeder or member applying for litter registration with Continental Kennel Club (CKC), must do so using a current official CKC litter registration processes.
  2. Upon successful completion of litter registration, CKC will provide the breeder with the requested number of Puppy Registration Applications complete with the litter information provided by the breeder at the time of registration.
  3. Breeders registering litters with CKC must abide by all current CKC registration rules, guidelines, policies, and procedures.
  4. Breeders registering litters with CKC must provide each new puppy owner with the correct, original, signed Puppy Registration Application at the time of sale or transfer of the puppy to the new owner, FREE OF CHARGE.
  5. Breeders registering litters may NOT charge new puppy owners any type of fee for Puppy Registration Applications
  6. Registered dogs whose status is marked as ‘limited,’ ‘suspended,’ or ‘revoked’ may not be listed as the sire or dam of a litter.
  7. Breeders must be ‘in good standing’ with CKC to register litters and purchase litter registration services and products.

B. Requirements

  1. Anyone representing puppies as eligible for CKC registration must be the registered owner of the dam (mother) of the puppies and have the dam of the puppies registered with CKC and meet all of CKC’s requirements for the dam of a litter.
  2. The registered owner of the dam is considered the breeder of the litter and must be ‘in good standing’, with Continental Kennel Club in order to apply for registration of any litter.
  3. If the sire of the litter is owned by the breeder, it must also be registered with CKC and meet all of CKC’s requirements for the sire of a litter.
  4. If the sire of the litter is NOT owned by the breeder, then the following rules apply:
    • If owned by another CKC member, the breeder must submit a copy of the sire’s official CKC registration certificate obtained from the sire’s owner.
    • If owned by a non-member, the breeder must submit a copy of the sire’s official registration certificate from a ‘CKC-recognized registry’. Click here for a current list of registries and kennel clubs recognized by Continental Kennel Club.
  5. The breeder must submit the completed, signed Litter Application form to CKC for Litter Registration.
  6. If the breeder does not own the sire, then the breeder must also obtain the sire owner’s information and signature on the Litter Application and provide a copy of the sire’s official registration papers, whether from CKC or a CKC-recognized Registry.
  7. Any breeder representing puppies as eligible for CKC registration must provide each new puppy owner with an original, signed CKC Puppy Registration Application FREE OF CHARGE at the time of transfer of the puppy to the new owner.

C. Multi-Sired Litters

  1. In the case of multi-sired litters, the same requirements pertain to the breeder, dam, and sires as listed herein.
  2. The breeder must complete one Litter Application for each sire, obtaining the sire owner’s information, signature, and proof of registration attached to the respective applications.
  3. The breeder must submit the parentage DNA results for the dam, the sires, and each puppy in the litter according to CKC’s Policies and Procedures for DNA collection.

D. Limited Registration (No Breeding Rights)

  1. Canines with Limited Registration status are not eligible to be listed as the sire or dam of a litter or any canine registered with CKC.
  2. Breeders may determine limited registration status for any puppy they produce if they:
    • Are an active member of the Preferred Breeder’s Program, or
    • Pay the registration fee and register the puppy to themselves (the breeder) as ‘limited’ before it goes to the new owner. The new owner will then complete a transfer of ownership according to the rules.
  3. Once a puppy’s registration is limited by the breeder, the limited registration status will be indicated on all official registration documents produced by CKC.
  4. All other rights and privileges remain the same for canines with limited registration.
  5. Only the breeder may remove the ‘limited registration’ status on puppies of litters that they registered as ‘limited’ according to CKC’s Policies and Procedures.

IV. Puppy & Canine Registration

A. Registration Applications and Certificates

  1. Any registration applicant or member applying for registration of any puppy or dog with Continental Kennel Club (CKC) must do so using a current, official CKC registration application.
  2. Any registration applicant or member applying for registration of any puppy or dog agrees to abide by all current CKC registration rules, guidelines, policies, and procedures.
  3. Registration applicants and members acknowledge that CKC Registration applications, forms, and documents are copyrighted to CKC and must be used as intended by CKC registration rules, guidelines, policies, and procedures. As such, applicants' and members' use of CKC applications, forms, and documents may be limited, suspended, or revoked at the discretion of CKC.
  4. A CKC Certificate of Registration will be issued upon satisfactory completion of all registration requirements for the applicant's puppy or dog. All certificates issued by CKC remain the property of CKC and may be limited, suspended, or revoked at the discretion of CKC.
  5. CKC accepts registration applications for processing and issues registration certificates based on the accuracy of the information submitted by the registration applicant(s) and member(s). CKC accepts no liability for any inaccurate, false, or fraudulent information submitted on registration applications but will correct such information if CKC determines it to be in error.
  6. CKC reserves the right to revoke, suspend, or limit the registration status of any canine which Continental Kennel Club, in its judgment, determines:
    • To be NOT ‘of proper breed type’ according to accepted breed standards published by CKC and other recognized breed organizations.
    • To have incorrect parents listed on the official CKC Certificate of Registration.
    • To have significant genetic health issues as determined by genetic tests, veterinary examinations, canine-specific tests, or other procedures, which, in CKC’s judgment, make it a poor specimen for breeding.
  7. CKC reserves the right to limit, suspend, or revoke the registration status of any canines whose registered owner is not in compliance with current registration rules, guidelines, policies, and procedures or for which an outstanding complaint remains unresolved.

B. Requirements

Puppy Registration

  1. Anyone registering a puppy from a CKC litter must do so using the official, signed CKC Puppy Registration Application supplied by the breeder.
  2. The registrant must fully complete the registration application, sign it, and return it to CKC with the proper fees. Note: it must be signed by the breeder as well.
  3. The registrant must provide his/her name and a valid, legible physical address for CKC to register the puppy in the new owner’s name and send out the certificate of registration to the registered owner.
  4. The registration application must be submitted to CKC with the proper fees before a complaint can be filed disputing any of the registration information on the CKC Puppy Registration Application.

Canine Registration

  1. Anyone applying for registration of a dog with CKC whose litter was not registered with Continental Kennel Club must do so using an official Canine Registration Application.
  2. An owner of a dog which is registered already with a CKC-recognized registry may apply for registration using the Canine Registration Application.
  3. An owner of a dog whose sire and dam are registered with Continental Kennel Club or a CKC-recognized registry may apply for registration using the Canine Registration Application
  4. A Canine Registration Application must be accompanied by documented proof of registration with CKC or another CKC-recognized registry. Approved documentation of ownership are:
    • a copy of the official registration certificate or equivalent as defined by CKC’s Registration Policies and Procedures
    • copies of the sire and dam’s official registration certificate or equivalents as defined by CKC’s Registration Policies and Procedures
  5. The owner applying for registration must fully complete the Canine Registration Application, including correct parent information, sign it, and return it with the proper fees.
  6. The owner must provide a name and a valid, legible physical address for CKC to register the dog in the owner’s name and send out the certificate of registration to the registered owner.

PAW Registration Program (Picture and Witness Registration)

  1. The PAW Registration Program provides an opportunity for purebred dogs of proper breed type with undocumented ancestry to be considered for purebred status through an evaluation process using photos, witnesses, and physical measurements conforming to the official breed standard for the requested breed designation.
  2. PAW Registration Applications are only available for those breeds approved by CKC which are listed on the official CKC website.
  3. Application for purebred status requires two witnesses to verify the authenticity of the registration application, attached photos, and measurements of certain physical characteristics of the applicant dog and who can confirm that the dog is of proper breed type based on the standard for the breed listed on the application.
  4. When any person applies for registration of any canine using the Paw Registration Application, the applicant is purchasing the PAW Evaluation Service for the applicant canine. Performance of the PAW Evaluation Service does not constitute registration!
  5. PAW registration applications may be rejected outright with no evaluation at CKC’s sole discretion, with or without cause. In these cases no evaluation will be done, and the application, photos, and fees will be returned to the applicant.

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