Other Name(s) Broken-HaiRed Scotch Terrier, Yorkie
Breed Type Pure
meet the...
Yorkshire Terrier
Breed Summary
Breed Group Group 6: Terrier Breeds
Sub-group 6-C: Small Terriers
Origin Country England
Weight Males: 4-7 pounds. Females: 4-7 pounds.
Height Males: 6-7 inches. Females: 6-7 inches.
Other Name(s) Broken-HaiRed Scotch Terrier, Yorkie
Breed Type Pure
Breed Spotlight
While people enjoy modern-day Yorkshire Terriers for their petite size and luxurious coats, today’s Yorkie is actually a smaller, more chic adaptation of a larger, grittier terrier. The Yorkshire Terrier was originally bred to hunt and kill small vermin in England. Although the Yorkie’s namesake county of Yorkshire is recognized as the location of the breed’s development in the 1800s, historic Yorkshire played only a small part in this breed’s mysterious past.
It is believed that the breed’s roots go back to Waterside Terriers that were brought from Scotland to England in the mid-nineteenth century, as well as the now-extinct Clydesdale Terriers and Leeds Terriers. As the ancestors of the modern-day Maltese, the Manchester Terrier, and Dandie Dinmont Terrier are also believed to have played a role in the development of the Yorkshire Terrier.
The breed made its formal debut in 1861 at a British bench show. It was not until 1872 that the first certified birth of a Yorkshire Terrier occurred on American soil. In the late Victorian era, the Yorkshire Terrier was a status symbol since wealthy citizens were the only ones who could afford the breed’s regular grooming demands. A thriving economy spawned by the British Industrial Revolution furthered the breed’s popularity among the upper and middle classes.
Breed Characteristics
Head: Mesaticephalic skull type, moderate in size and in proportion to the rest of the body, never appearing wedge-shaped or long and narrow. The topskull is of a medium length, flat across the top when viewed from the front or felt across the top between the ears. When felt or viewed in profile, the topskull may be flat and parallel to the muzzle, or it may round slightly to the muzzle. The skull exhibits sufficient bone and brow. The head is clean-cut without excess skin or wrinkles.
Eyes: Moderate in size, oval to almond in shape, and dark brown in color. The eye rims are well-fitted and well-pigmented. The eyes are never bulging. There should be sufficient bone in the surrounding orbital sockets to protect the eyes.
Ears: Small in size, set high on the skull (fairly close together), V-shaped, and firmly erect. The ears are never long, overly large, or broken.
Muzzle: The muzzle is broad, full, and deep. The upper and lower jaws have good bone substance, appearing strong and well-developed, never appearing snipey or weak.
Nose: The nose is well-pigmented and black. The nostrils are well-opened.
Neck: Moderate length to allow for proud head carriage and strongly muscled with a slight arch. The neck tapers smoothly from the deeper and broader body toward the head. The neck is clean-cut and without excess skin, throatiness, or dewlap.
Chest: Deep and broad, but never wider than deep. The brisket extends to the point of the elbows.
Body: Compact, solid, and of good substance. The body is never racy or refined. The width at the forequarters is approximately equal to the width at the hindquarters.
Feet: Oval to round, compact, with well-arched toes and tough pads.
Tail: Set high on the croup, thick at the base and tapering toward the tip. Carried in accordance with the dog’s mood and energy level, usually slightly higher than the level of the topline, but never tucked. The tail may be left natural (preferred) or docked short. Natural tails are of a moderate length, with the tip of the last vertebrae extending to the hock joints when held down. The tail may be straight or gently curved. Docked tails are cut to 1/3 the original length.
Movement: Smooth, confident, and effortless gait and movements. The characteristics of a healthy structure are evident. When moving away, the forelegs and rear pasterns should remain parallel to one another. When viewing movement from the front, the forelegs should remain parallel, with elbows and paws moving neither in nor out. From the rear, the back pads should be visible when the rear legs are extended. As speed increases, the forelimbs and hindlimbs will converge to the centerline of gravity. From the side, the topline should remain firm and level. Good reach of movement in the front allows the forepaw to extend out in line with the nose. The width between the forefeet, when extended, should be approximately equal to the width between the hindfeet when extended, indicating balance, good reach, and good drive. Dogs that exhibit any sign of breathing or locomotive difficulty shall be disqualified from the show ring.
Temperament: Plucky, alert, active, bold, and inquisitive. Any unprovoked aggressive or fearful behavior toward people is incorrect for this breed.
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Breed Standard
BREED GROUP 6: Terrier Breeds
Proportions: Square to just off-square with the length of the body, measured from the point of the forechest to the point of the rump being just slightly greater than the height at the withers. The ideal length-to-height ratio is between 1:1 and 10:9. Females may be slightly longer. The body is well put together, with sturdy substance and medium bone. Males should appear masculine, being more substantial in size and mass, while females should appear more feminine and slightly less substantial. Neither should lack overall type. The weight of a male or female is always in proportion to height.
General Appearance: Mesaticephalic skull type, moderate in size and in proportion to the rest of the body, never appearing wedge-shaped or long and narrow. The topskull is of a medium length, flat across the top when viewed from the front or felt across the top between the ears. When felt or viewed in profile, the topskull may be flat and parallel to the muzzle, or it may round slightly to the muzzle. The skull exhibits sufficient bone and brow. The head is clean-cut without excess skin or wrinkles.
Expression: The expression is alert, inquisitive, and indicative of perceived self-importance.
Stop: The stop is definite, preferably forming a 90-degree angle between the topskull and muzzle.
Skull: The ideal muzzle-to-skull ratio is 3:2 to 5:4, with the topskull being just longer than the muzzle. The ideal muzzle-to-skull axis may be parallel or just slightly convergent.
Muzzle: The muzzle is broad, full, and deep. The upper and lower jaws have good bone substance, appearing strong and well-developed, never appearing snipey or weak.
Lips or Flews: The lips are clean and fit tightly over the teeth and jaws.
Nose: The nose is well-pigmented and black. The nostrils are well-opened.
Cheeks: Smoothly muscled cheeks indicate good substance and powerful jaws. However, the cheeks should not appear chiseled or coarse.
Dentition and Bite: Forty-two strong, clean, and white teeth. The bite may be level, scissor, or reverse-scissor. Contact must be made between the top and bottom incisors. Missing or broken teeth due to routine work are not to be penalized.
Eyes: Moderate in size, oval to almond in shape, and dark brown in color. The eye rims are well-fitted and well-pigmented. The eyes are never bulging. There should be sufficient bone in the surrounding orbital sockets to protect the eyes.
Ears: Small in size, set high on the skull (fairly close together), V-shaped, and firmly erect. The ears are never long, overly large, or broken.
Body and Tail
General Description: Compact, solid, and of good substance. The body is never racy or refined. The width at the forequarters is approximately equal to the width at the hindquarters.
Neck: Moderate length to allow for proud head carriage and strongly muscled with a slight arch. The neck tapers smoothly from the deeper and broader body toward the head. The neck is clean-cut and without excess skin, throatiness, or dewlap.
Chest: Deep and broad, but never wider than deep. The brisket extends to the point of the elbows.
Topline: Level from slightly prominent withers to croup. The back is short, broad, strongly muscled, and straight, yet supple. The loin is short, taut, flat, and level. The back is never swayed or roached.
Croup: Flat and level with the back.
Underline: A slight tuck-up is present. The underline is taut and firm, without any indication of sagging or excess weight.
Ribs: Long, well-sprung, well-laid-back, and oval-shaped, never barrel-chested or slab-sided.
Tail: Set high on the croup, thick at the base and tapering toward the tip. Carried in accordance with the dog’s mood and energy level, usually slightly higher than the level of the topline, but never tucked. The tail may be left natural (preferred) or docked short. Natural tails are of a moderate length, with the tip of the last vertebrae extending to the hock joints when held down. The tail may be straight or gently curved. Docked tails are cut to 1/3 the original length.
Forequarters and Hindquarters
Forequarters: The forequarters are always in balance with the hindquarters and well-angulated with well-laid-back shoulder blades. Shoulder blades are of a good length and approximately equal in length to the upper arm and forearm.
Elbows: The elbows are close to the body. The point of the elbows is approximately half the dog’s height at the withers.
Forelegs: Frontal View: Straight, of good muscle, moderate bone, and parallel to one another. Side View: The forelimbs appear straight with strong pasterns.
Pasterns: Never weak or broken.
Hindquarters: The upper thigh and lower thigh are of a moderate and equal length, strong, sturdy, of moderate bone, and well-muscled. Rear View: When viewed from the rear, the rear pasterns are parallel to one another. Side View: Good angulation will allow the rear toes to align with the point of the rump or within one to two paw-lengths behind the point of the rump, with the rear pasterns remaining perpendicular to the ground and parallel to one another.
Stifle Joint: Well-angulated with a good bend to well-let-down rear pasterns.
Angulations: The angulation of the hindquarters is always in balance with the angulation of the forequarters.
Feet: Oval to round, compact, with well-arched toes and tough pads.
Skin: Well-fitted, yet supple. The skin should never obstruct the outline of the dog.
Coat Type: The coat is long, straight, silky, and fine, without wave, curl, wooliness, or roughness. It should never restrict movement. The coat on the body, head, ear base, and muzzle are abundant in length. Hair on ear tips may be trimmed to prevent ears from falling. The hair may be trimmed short on the ear tips.
Coat Color or Pattern: CKC recognizes two color varieties of the Yorkshire Terrier breed: the standard and non-standard.
Standard coat color variety: Standard purebred Yorkshire Terriers start off black with tan points, but over the next 18 months, the black recedes and turns to a steel blue saddle or creeping tan pattern, and the tan turns to a shimmery gold. The permissible standard colors include; blue or steel with gold saddle or creeping tan markings.
Nonstandard coat color variety: black, silver, or liver with saddle or creeping tan pattern, all with various shades of red or tan.
Please note that dogs with white markings (Biewer) are now registered as Biewer Terriers.
Smooth, confident, and effortless gait and movements. The characteristics of a healthy structure are evident. When moving away, the forelegs and rear pasterns should remain parallel to one another. When viewing movement from the front, the forelegs should remain parallel, with elbows and paws moving neither in nor out. From the rear, the back pads should be visible when the rear legs are extended. As speed increases, the forelimbs and hindlimbs will converge to the centerline of gravity. From the side, the topline should remain firm and level. Good reach of movement in the front allows the forepaw to extend out in line with the nose. The width between the forefeet, when extended, should be approximately equal to the width between the hindfeet when extended, indicating balance, good reach, and good drive. Dogs that exhibit any sign of breathing or locomotive difficulty shall be disqualified from the show ring.
Plucky, alert, active, bold, and inquisitive. Any unprovoked aggressive or fearful behavior toward people is incorrect for this breed.
All dogs should be in proper healthy condition, free from disease or defect. Any departure from this description is considered a fault. Unless altered, all male dogs should have two fully descended testicles.
Proportions: Square to just off-square with the length of the body, measured from the point of the forechest to the point of the rump being just slightly greater than the height at the withers. The ideal length-to-height ratio is between 1:1 and 10:9. Females may be slightly longer. The body is well put together, with sturdy substance and medium bone. Males should appear masculine, being more substantial in size and mass, while females should appear more feminine and slightly less substantial. Neither should lack overall type. The weight of a male or female is always in proportion to height.
General Appearance: Mesaticephalic skull type, moderate in size and in proportion to the rest of the body, never appearing wedge-shaped or long and narrow. The topskull is of a medium length, flat across the top when viewed from the front or felt across the top between the ears. When felt or viewed in profile, the topskull may be flat and parallel to the muzzle, or it may round slightly to the muzzle. The skull exhibits sufficient bone and brow. The head is clean-cut without excess skin or wrinkles.
Expression: The expression is alert, inquisitive, and indicative of perceived self-importance.
Stop: The stop is definite, preferably forming a 90-degree angle between the topskull and muzzle.
Skull: The ideal muzzle-to-skull ratio is 3:2 to 5:4, with the topskull being just longer than the muzzle. The ideal muzzle-to-skull axis may be parallel or just slightly convergent.
Muzzle: The muzzle is broad, full, and deep. The upper and lower jaws have good bone substance, appearing strong and well-developed, never appearing snipey or weak.
Lips or Flews: The lips are clean and fit tightly over the teeth and jaws.
Nose: The nose is well-pigmented and black. The nostrils are well-opened.
Cheeks: Smoothly muscled cheeks indicate good substance and powerful jaws. However, the cheeks should not appear chiseled or coarse.
Dentition and Bite: Forty-two strong, clean, and white teeth. The bite may be level, scissor, or reverse-scissor. Contact must be made between the top and bottom incisors. Missing or broken teeth due to routine work are not to be penalized.
Eyes: Moderate in size, oval to almond in shape, and dark brown in color. The eye rims are well-fitted and well-pigmented. The eyes are never bulging. There should be sufficient bone in the surrounding orbital sockets to protect the eyes.
Ears: Small in size, set high on the skull (fairly close together), V-shaped, and firmly erect. The ears are never long, overly large, or broken.
Body and Tail
General Description: Compact, solid, and of good substance. The body is never racy or refined. The width at the forequarters is approximately equal to the width at the hindquarters.
Neck: Moderate length to allow for proud head carriage and strongly muscled with a slight arch. The neck tapers smoothly from the deeper and broader body toward the head. The neck is clean-cut and without excess skin, throatiness, or dewlap.
Chest: Deep and broad, but never wider than deep. The brisket extends to the point of the elbows.
Topline: Level from slightly prominent withers to croup. The back is short, broad, strongly muscled, and straight, yet supple. The loin is short, taut, flat, and level. The back is never swayed or roached.
Croup: Flat and level with the back.
Underline: A slight tuck-up is present. The underline is taut and firm, without any indication of sagging or excess weight.
Ribs: Long, well-sprung, well-laid-back, and oval-shaped, never barrel-chested or slab-sided.
Tail: Set high on the croup, thick at the base and tapering toward the tip. Carried in accordance with the dog’s mood and energy level, usually slightly higher than the level of the topline, but never tucked. The tail may be left natural (preferred) or docked short. Natural tails are of a moderate length, with the tip of the last vertebrae extending to the hock joints when held down. The tail may be straight or gently curved. Docked tails are cut to 1/3 the original length.
Forequarters and Hindquarters
Forequarters: The forequarters are always in balance with the hindquarters and well-angulated with well-laid-back shoulder blades. Shoulder blades are of a good length and approximately equal in length to the upper arm and forearm.
Elbows: The elbows are close to the body. The point of the elbows is approximately half the dog’s height at the withers.
Forelegs: Frontal View: Straight, of good muscle, moderate bone, and parallel to one another. Side View: The forelimbs appear straight with strong pasterns.
Pasterns: Never weak or broken.
Hindquarters: The upper thigh and lower thigh are of a moderate and equal length, strong, sturdy, of moderate bone, and well-muscled. Rear View: When viewed from the rear, the rear pasterns are parallel to one another. Side View: Good angulation will allow the rear toes to align with the point of the rump or within one to two paw-lengths behind the point of the rump, with the rear pasterns remaining perpendicular to the ground and parallel to one another.
Stifle Joint: Well-angulated with a good bend to well-let-down rear pasterns.
Angulations: The angulation of the hindquarters is always in balance with the angulation of the forequarters.
Feet: Oval to round, compact, with well-arched toes and tough pads.
Skin: Well-fitted, yet supple. The skin should never obstruct the outline of the dog.
Coat Type: The coat is long, straight, silky, and fine, without wave, curl, wooliness, or roughness. It should never restrict movement. The coat on the body, head, ear base, and muzzle are abundant in length. Hair on ear tips may be trimmed to prevent ears from falling. The hair may be trimmed short on the ear tips.
Coat Color or Pattern: CKC recognizes two color varieties of the Yorkshire Terrier breed: the standard and non-standard.
Standard coat color variety: Standard purebred Yorkshire Terriers start off black with tan points, but over the next 18 months, the black recedes and turns to a steel blue saddle or creeping tan pattern, and the tan turns to a shimmery gold. The permissible standard colors include; blue or steel with gold saddle or creeping tan markings.
Nonstandard coat color variety: black, silver, or liver with saddle or creeping tan pattern, all with various shades of red or tan.
Please note that dogs with white markings (Biewer) are now registered as Biewer Terriers.
Smooth, confident, and effortless gait and movements. The characteristics of a healthy structure are evident. When moving away, the forelegs and rear pasterns should remain parallel to one another. When viewing movement from the front, the forelegs should remain parallel, with elbows and paws moving neither in nor out. From the rear, the back pads should be visible when the rear legs are extended. As speed increases, the forelimbs and hindlimbs will converge to the centerline of gravity. From the side, the topline should remain firm and level. Good reach of movement in the front allows the forepaw to extend out in line with the nose. The width between the forefeet, when extended, should be approximately equal to the width between the hindfeet when extended, indicating balance, good reach, and good drive. Dogs that exhibit any sign of breathing or locomotive difficulty shall be disqualified from the show ring.
Plucky, alert, active, bold, and inquisitive. Any unprovoked aggressive or fearful behavior toward people is incorrect for this breed.
All dogs should be in proper healthy condition, free from disease or defect. Any departure from this description is considered a fault. Unless altered, all male dogs should have two fully descended testicles.
Dog Fact #61
The breed of a dog is a pretty good indicator for certain behaviors, one new study performed by Bioinformatics and Integrative Biology at the University of Massachusetts Chan Medical School had concluded. For instance, trainability was pretty high on the list for most Border Collies, whereas sociability towards people was high for many Golden Retrievers tested. The test results were based on averages, so this didn’t mean there weren’t exceptions to every rule.