Iceland Dog.jpg
Breed Group Group 2: Spitz and Nordic Breeds
Sub-group :
Origin Country Iceland
Weight Males: 20-30 pounds. Females: 20-30 pounds.
Height Males: 17-19 inches. Females: 15-17 inches.
Other Name(s) Friaar Dog, Iceland Sheepdog, IcelandIC Dog, IcelandIC Sheepdog, Islandsk Farehond, Islenskur Fjarhundur
Breed Type Pure
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Icelandic Sheepdog

Breed Group Group 2: Spitz and Nordic Breeds
Sub-group :
Origin Country Iceland
Weight Males: 20-30 pounds. Females: 20-30 pounds.
Height Males: 17-19 inches. Females: 15-17 inches.
Other Name(s) Friaar Dog, Iceland Sheepdog, IcelandIC Dog, IcelandIC Sheepdog, Islandsk Farehond, Islenskur Fjarhundur
Breed Type Pure
click here for FULL BREED STANDARD


The Icelandic Sheepdog is unique amongst dogs in that it is the only breed native to Iceland. It is believed that the breed’s ancestors were brought to the icy island thousands of years ago by Viking settlers, a claim supported by DNA tests that confirm the dogs are most closely related to the Karelian Bear Dog. For centuries, these dogs were used to not only drive sheep but also to locate sheep in Iceland’s brutal winter snow. In the 18th century, the dogs faced almost total decimation due to a distemper outbreak and taxes placed on dogs.

However, in the 1960s, interest in preserving the only dog breed from Iceland increased. Dogs that had been previously exported to neighboring countries were brought in and used to repopulate the stock. In addition, related Nordic breeds were incorporated to prevent the gene pool from becoming too sparse. Although still a rarity, the breed has slowly rebounded.

Breed Characteristics

Head: Mesaticephalic skull type, moderate in size, wedge-shaped, and somewhat large, yet in proportion to the rest of the body. The topskull is fairly broad, being almost as broad (measured across the top in front of the ears) as it is long (measured from occiput to stop). It is slightly arched when viewed in profile or from the front. The forehead is well developed, with good depth, never flat and sloped. The head is clean-cut without excess skin or wrinkles.
Eyes: Moderate in size, oval to almond in shape, and ranging from green amber, hazel, or medium to dark brown in color. The eyes may be set just slightly oblique. The eye rims are well-fitted and well-pigmented in areas of color on the coat. The eyes are never bulging. There should be sufficient bone in the surrounding orbital sockets to protect the eyes. Any signs of entropion or ectropion are incorrect for this breed.
Ears: Fairly small in size. Set fairly high on the skull, but never too close. The outer corners may be level with the outer eye corners, and they are triangles in shape. They are firmly erect. The ears are never long, overly large, or broken. They are highly mobile and expressive.
Muzzle: The muzzle is full, deep, and broad. The plane, or bridge of the muzzle, is straight and level. It tapers gradually from the broad base toward the nose but is never pointed. It is wedge-shaped. The upper and lower jaws are well developed, approximately equal in length, and have good bone substance, never appearing snipey or weak.
Nose: The nose is well-pigmented, black, or self-colored, according to the coat. The nostrils are well opened. The nose is flush with the vertical line of the end of the muzzle. Seasonal fading, known as “snow nose” or “winter nose,” is acceptable.
Neck: Moderate length allows for good movement and head carriage. It is thick, powerfully muscled, and with a slight arch. The neck tapers smoothly from the deeper and broader body toward the head. The neck is clean-cut and without excess skin, throatiness, or dewlap.
Chest: Deep and broad but never wider than deep. The brisket extends to the point of the elbows. The forechest is spacious and well-developed but without being excessively pronounced.
Body: Compact, solid, deep, and of good substance. The body is never racy and refined, nor is it heavy and clumsy. It is capable of both endurance and power. The width at the forequarters is approximately equal to the width at the hindquarters.
Feet: Large, oval to round, and compact, with well-arched toes and tough pads.
Tail: Set high on the croup. It is thick at the base and tapering toward the tip. The tail is carried in accordance with the dog’s mood and energy level, curled up over the back with the tip touching the back. The tail should never be tucked. The tail is of a moderate length, with the tip of the last vertebrae extending to the hock joints when held down.
Movement: The movement of the Icelandic Sheepdog breed is fluent, tireless, enduring, energetic, effortless, and efficient. The characteristics of a healthy structure are evident. When moving away, the forelegs and rear pasterns should remain parallel to one another. When viewing movement from the front, the forelegs should remain parallel, with elbows and paws moving neither in nor out. From the rear, the back pads should be visible when the rear legs are extended. As speed increases, the forelimbs and hindlimbs will converge to the centerline of gravity. From the side, the topline should remain firm and level. Good reach of movement in the front allows the forepaw to extend out in line with the nose. When extended, the width between the forefeet should be approximately equal to the width between the hindfeet when extended, indicating balance, good reach, and good drive. Dogs that exhibit any sign of breathing or locomotive difficulty shall be disqualified from the show ring.
Temperament: The Icelandic Sheepdog breed is an alert, outgoing, and friendly dog with a can-do attitude. They are energetic, lively, and vocal, even barking while they work. They enjoy outings with family and grow particularly fond of children. The breed is intelligent and has a great sense of smell, making it an ideal working dog candidate. Any unprovoked aggressive or fearful behavior toward people is incorrect for this breed.
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Breed Standard

BREED GROUP 2: Spitz and Nordic Breeds

Proportions: Off-square to slightly rectangular with the length of the body, measured from the point of the forechest to the point of the rump, being equal to or just slightly greater than the height at the withers. The ideal body-height-to-length ratio is between 1:1 and 10:9. Females may be slightly longer. The body is well put together, with sturdy substance and strong, sturdy bone. Males should appear masculine, being more substantial in size and mass, while females should appear more feminine and slightly less substantial. Neither should lack overall type. The weight of males or females is always in proportion to height.


General Appearance: Mesaticephalic skull type, moderate in size, wedge-shaped, and somewhat large, yet in proportion to the rest of the body. The topskull is fairly broad, being almost as broad (measured across the top in front of the ears) as it is long (measured from occiput to stop). It is slightly arched when viewed in profile or from the front. The forehead is well developed, with good depth, never flat and sloped. The head is clean-cut without excess skin or wrinkles.
Expression: Watchful, self-composed, inquisitive, frank, and courageous.
Stop: Alert, active, intelligent, and watchful.
Skull: The ideal muzzle-to-skull ratio is 2:3, with the topskull being slightly longer than the muzzle.
The ideal muzzle-to-skull axis is parallel or may be slightly convergent.
Muzzle: The muzzle is full, deep, and broad. The plane, or bridge of the muzzle, is straight and level. It tapers gradually from the broad base toward the nose but is never pointed. It is wedge-shaped. The upper and lower jaws are well developed, approximately equal in length, and have good bone substance, never appearing snipey or weak.
Lips or Flews: The lips are clean and fit tightly over the teeth and jaws. They should never appear pendulous, droopy, or “wet.”
Nose: The nose is well-pigmented, black, or self-colored, according to the coat. The nostrils are well opened. The nose is flush with the vertical line of the end of the muzzle. Seasonal fading, known as “snow nose” or “winter nose,” is acceptable.
Cheeks: The cheeks are well-developed and powerfully muscled. They should not appear chiseled.
Dentition and Bite: Forty-two strong, clean, and white teeth. The bite may be level, scissor, or reverse-scissor. Contact must be made between the top and bottom incisors. Missing or broken teeth due to routine work is not to be penalized.
Eyes: Moderate in size, oval to almond in shape, and ranging from green amber, hazel, or medium to dark brown in color. The eyes may be set just slightly oblique. The eye rims are well-fitted and well-pigmented in areas of color on the coat. The eyes are never bulging. There should be sufficient bone in the surrounding orbital sockets to protect the eyes. Any signs of entropion or ectropion are incorrect for this breed.
Ears: Fairly small in size. Set fairly high on the skull, but never too close. The outer corners may be level with the outer eye corners, and they are triangles in shape. They are firmly erect. The ears are never long, overly large, or broken. They are highly mobile and expressive.

Body and Tail

General Description: Compact, solid, deep, and of good substance. The body is never racy and refined, nor is it heavy and clumsy. It is capable of both endurance and power. The width at the forequarters is approximately equal to the width at the hindquarters.
Neck: Moderate length allows for good movement and head carriage. It is thick, powerfully muscled, and with a slight arch. The neck tapers smoothly from the deeper and broader body toward the head. The neck is clean-cut and without excess skin, throatiness, or dewlap.
Chest: Deep and broad but never wider than deep. The brisket extends to the point of the elbows. The forechest is spacious and well-developed but without being excessively pronounced.
Topline: Straight and level or just slightly sloped from withers to croup. The back is of a good length, broad, strongly muscled, and straight, yet supple. The loin is taut, flat, level, or slightly arched yet supportive. The back is never elongated, swayed, or roached.
Croup: Broad, powerful, and gently sloped.
Underline: Slightly tucked up, or the underline may run parallel to the topline. The underline is taut and firm, without any indication of sagging or excess weight.
Ribs: Long, well-sprung, well-laid-back, and oval-shaped, never barrel-chested or slab-sided.
Tail: Set high on the croup. It is thick at the base and tapering toward the tip. The tail is carried in accordance with the dog’s mood and energy level, curled up over the back with the tip touching the back. The tail should never be tucked. The tail is of a moderate length, with the tip of the last vertebrae extending to the hock joints when held down.

Forequarters and Hindquarters

Forequarters: The forequarters are always balanced with the hindquarters and well-angulated with well-laid-back shoulder blades. The shoulder blades may be approximately equal in length to the upper arm and forearm, or the forearm may be somewhat longer than the shoulder blade and upper arm.
Elbows: The elbows are close to the body. The distance from the withers to the brisket may be equal to, or just less than, the distance from the elbows to the ground.
Forelegs: Frontal View: Straight, of good muscle, of solid and sturdy bone, and parallel to one another.
Side View: The forelimbs appear straight with strong pasterns.
Pasterns: Never weak or broken.
Hindquarters: The upper and lower thighs are equal in length, strong, of solid and sturdy bone, and well-muscled.
Rear View: When viewed from the rear, the rear pasterns are parallel to one another.
Side View: Good angulation will allow the rear toes to align with the point of the rump or within one to two paw-lengths behind the point of the rump, with the rear pasterns remaining perpendicular to the ground and parallel to one another.
Stifle Joint: Well-angulated with a good bend to well-let-down rear pasterns.
Angulations: The angulation of the hindquarters is always in balance with the angulation of the forequarters.
Feet: Large, oval to round, and compact, with well-arched toes and tough pads.


Skin: Well-fitted, yet supple. The skin should never obstruct the outline of the dog.
Coat Type: Double-coated, dense, and very weather-proof and weather-resistant, with a soft, dense undercoat. The outercoat consists of straight, medium to medium-long (between three to six inches) guard hairs. The coat is dense, coarse, and stand-offish or bushy. It is shorter on the muzzle, face, topskull, and lower legs. It is longer and thicker on the body, being thickest from the cheek ruffs, neck, chest, and shoulders, forming a slight ruff and mane, which is more pronounced in males than females. The tail appears large and bushy. The feet are well furred, with fur growing thick and long between the toes and, during harsh winter conditions, will completely cover the pads. Clipping or scissoring of the coat is prohibited.
Coat Color or Pattern: Cream, tan, red, all with or without a black, gray, or liver mask. Black, gray, or liver (chocolate), all with or without tan points. All should have white points (chinchilla markings). All with or without minimal white, white trim, or Irish piebald markings. White with any of the listed colors permitted (pied).


The movement of the Icelandic Sheepdog breed is fluent, tireless, enduring, energetic, effortless, and efficient. The characteristics of a healthy structure are evident. When moving away, the forelegs and rear pasterns should remain parallel to one another. When viewing movement from the front, the forelegs should remain parallel, with elbows and paws moving neither in nor out. From the rear, the back pads should be visible when the rear legs are extended. As speed increases, the forelimbs and hindlimbs will converge to the centerline of gravity. From the side, the topline should remain firm and level. Good reach of movement in the front allows the forepaw to extend out in line with the nose. When extended, the width between the forefeet should be approximately equal to the width between the hindfeet when extended, indicating balance, good reach, and good drive. Dogs that exhibit any sign of breathing or locomotive difficulty shall be disqualified from the show ring.


The Icelandic Sheepdog breed is an alert, outgoing, and friendly dog with a can-do attitude. They are energetic, lively, and vocal, even barking while they work. They enjoy outings with family and grow particularly fond of children. The breed is intelligent and has a great sense of smell, making it an ideal working dog candidate. Any unprovoked aggressive or fearful behavior toward people is incorrect for this breed.


All dogs should be in proper, healthy condition, free from disease or defect. Any departure from this description is considered a fault. Unless altered, all male dogs should have two fully descended testicles.