Cane Corso.jpg
Breed Group Group 3: Molossoids and Mastiffs Breeds
Sub-group :
Origin Country Italy
Weight Males: 92-110 pounds. Females: 80-100 pounds.
Height Males: 24-28 inches. Females: 23-26 inches.
Other Name(s) Cane Corso Italiano, Cane Corso Mastiff, Italian Corso, Italian Corso Dog, Italian Mastiff, Italian Molosso
Breed Type Pure
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Cane Corso

Breed Group Group 3: Molossoids and Mastiffs Breeds
Sub-group :
Origin Country Italy
Weight Males: 92-110 pounds. Females: 80-100 pounds.
Height Males: 24-28 inches. Females: 23-26 inches.
Other Name(s) Cane Corso Italiano, Cane Corso Mastiff, Italian Corso, Italian Corso Dog, Italian Mastiff, Italian Molosso
Breed Type Pure
click here for FULL BREED STANDARD


The Canis Pugnax, or Roman Molossian, was popularly used throughout Italy as a guard dog, a hunting companion, and a farm dog for centuries. These dogs were used to catch wild hogs, round up domesticated cattle, and swine, and participate in bloody gladiator sports such as bear fighting. The Neapolitan and the Cane Corso are believed to be direct descendants of the Roman Molossian and share similar ancestry. Mostly, the ancestors of the Neapolitan and Cane Corso dogs were used as all-around farm dogs throughout Italy. However, the line between the two breeds was blurred for centuries, as the dogs’ ancestors existed in Italy for about 2,000 years, well before breeds and breed types were established.

Over time, the dogs became less popular and were once considered extinct in most parts of Italy. A few specimens existed in the Province of Apulia and surrounding regions. A group of breed enthusiasts in the 1980s got together and began to recover the breed. Their intelligence, loyal nature, and impressive stature have helped them to become one of the most popular molossoids in the United States.

The name Cane Corso comes from the Latin term cohors, meaning “protector” or “guardian.”

Breed Characteristics

Head: Somewhat brachycephalic to mesaticephalic in skull-type, moderately large in size, and in proportion to the rest of the body. The head is clean-cut without excess skin or wrinkles. The length of the head, from the occiput to the tip of the nose, is approximately 1/3 the height measured at the withers. The skull is broad and substantial, with the width (measured from one side to the other just in front of the ears) being equal to or slightly greater than the length (measured from occiput to stop). The overall circumference of the head (measured at the broad zygomatic arches) equals twice the length of the head. The head is overall substantial, with strong bone and smooth-yet-prominent muscle, especially evident (although not prominent) in the cheeks and the temporal muscle areas, giving breadth to the face and skull. Viewed from the front, the topskull is broad and slightly arched. In profile, the temporal muscles and topskull form a unique, prominent arc that flattens toward the occiput. The head is mostly clean-cut and moderately dry; slight wrinkling may be visible when the dog is alerted, but it should never be profuse. A median furrow starting at the stop and disappearing toward the occiput may be present.
Eyes: Moderate in size, oval, almond, or lemon-shaped, and may range from amber or green to dark brown in color. The eye rims are well-fitted and well-pigmented. The eyes are never bulging. There should be sufficient bone in the surrounding orbital sockets to protect the eyes. Haw or whites should not be visible when the dog is looking forward. There should be no indication of entropion, ectropion, or other eye anomaly or defect.
Ears: Medium in size, set high on the skull above the zygomatic arches/cheekbones, wide apart, triangular in shape, dropped, hanging close to the head, with tips falling close to the cheeks. The ears are never long and never extend beyond the lower jawbone. The ears may also be cropped short into equilateral triangles.
Muzzle: Square and shorter than the topskull, being broad, deep, and full. The muzzle width is approximately equal to the length of the muzzle. The depth of the muzzle is approximately over 50% of the muzzle length. The level of the plane of the muzzle is parallel to the plane of the underline of the muzzle. The chin is set directly below the nose, forming a straight, perpendicular line from one to the other. Upper and lower jaws have good bone substance, are strong, well-developed, and never appear snipey or weak. The lower jaw is just slightly curved. From the front, the head is broad, with cheeks appearing to be the widest point of the head.
Nose: The nose is well-pigmented, black, or self-colored, according to the coat in diluted colors such as blues, grays, or blue or gray fawns. The nostrils are large and well-opened. The nose lies directly above the chin, neither exceeding nor receding beyond the point of the chin.
Neck: Moderate length, equaling approximately 1/3 the height at the withers, powerfully muscled, with a slight arch. The neck tapers smoothly from the deeper and broader body toward the head. The neck is overall clean-cut, without excess skin, but light throatiness or a minimal dewlap is permissible.
Chest: Deep and broad but never wider than deep. The brisket extends to the point of the elbows. The forechest is well-developed but not prominent.
Body: Powerfully constructed, compact, solid, and substantial. The body is never racy or refined. The width at the forequarters is approximately equal to the width at the hindquarters. The body is well-put-together, sturdy, and with solid bone.
Feet: Oval to round and compact, with well-arched toes and tough pads.
Tail: Set neither high nor low on the croup but as a natural extension of the topline. It is thick at the base and tapering toward the tip. Carried in accordance with the dog’s mood and energy level, but never tucked or carried up over the back. The tail may be left natural (preferred) or docked short. Natural tails are of a medium length, with the tip of the last vertebrae extending to the hock joints when held down. The tail may be straight or gently curved. Docked tails are cut to the fourth tail vertebrae.
Movement: Smooth, flowing, effortless trot with powerful and agile action. The characteristics of a healthy structure are evident. When moving away, the forelegs and rear pasterns should remain parallel to one another. When viewing movement from the front, the forelegs should remain parallel, with elbows and paws moving neither moving in nor out. From the rear, the back pads should be visible when the rear legs are extended. As speed increases, the forelimbs and hindlimbs will converge to the center line of gravity. From the side, the topline should remain firm and level. Good reach of movement in the front allows the forepaw to extend out in line with the nose. When extended, the width between the forefeet should be approximately equal to the width between the hindfeet when extended, indicating balance, good reach, and good drive. Dogs that exhibit any sign of breathing or locomotive difficulty shall be disqualified from the show ring.
Temperament: The Cane Corso is a noble and majestic breed. Originally developed as a protector, hunters, catch dogs, and drovers, they are confident, self-composed, and well aware of their own capabilities. Their intelligence allows for easy training, making them capable of learning many disciplines and skills, such as agility and weight pulling. They are watchful, responsive, loyal, and affectionate to their family and people but can be somewhat stand-offish or indifferent towards strangers. Any unprovoked aggressive or fearful behavior toward people is incorrect for this breed.
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Breed Standard

BREED GROUP 3: Molossoids and Mastiffs Breeds

Proportions: The body is somewhat rectangular in proportion, with the length of the body measured from the point of the forechest to the point of the rump being slightly greater than the height at the withers. The ideal body height-to-length ratio is 5:4. Males should appear masculine, being more substantial in size and mass, while females should appear more feminine and slightly less substantial. Neither should lack overall type. The Cane Corso is capable of great strength and agility. The weight of males or females is always in proportion to height.


General Appearance: Somewhat brachycephalic to mesaticephalic in skull-type, moderately large in size, and in proportion to the rest of the body. The head is clean-cut without excess skin or wrinkles. The length of the head, from the occiput to the tip of the nose, is approximately 1/3 the height measured at the withers. The skull is broad and substantial, with the width (measured from one side to the other just in front of the ears) being equal to or slightly greater than the length (measured from occiput to stop). The overall circumference of the head (measured at the broad zygomatic arches) equals twice the length of the head. The head is overall substantial, with strong bone and smooth-yet-prominent muscle, especially evident (although not prominent) in the cheeks and the temporal muscle areas, giving breadth to the face and skull. Viewed from the front, the topskull is broad and slightly arched. In profile, the temporal muscles and topskull form a unique, prominent arc that flattens toward the occiput. The head is mostly clean-cut and moderately dry; slight wrinkling may be visible when the dog is alerted, but it should never be profuse. A median furrow starting at the stop and disappearing toward the occiput may be present.
Expression: Noble, courageous, bold, attentive, watchful, and intelligent.
Stop: The stop is definite and well-marked.
Skull: The ideal muzzle-to-skull ratio is 1:2, with the topskull being just longer than the muzzle.
The ideal muzzle-to-skull axis is convergent.
Muzzle: Square and shorter than the topskull, being broad, deep, and full. The muzzle width is approximately equal to the length of the muzzle. The depth of the muzzle is approximately over 50% of the muzzle length. The level of the plane of the muzzle is parallel to the plane of the underline of the muzzle. The chin is set directly below the nose, forming a straight, perpendicular line from one to the other. Upper and lower jaws have good bone substance, are strong, well-developed, and never appear snipey or weak. The lower jaw is just slightly curved. From the front, the head is broad, with cheeks appearing to be the widest point of the head.
Lips or Flews: The lips are rather well-fitted over the teeth and jaws. The upper lips are moderately thick and somewhat loose, covering the lower jawline. The plane of the lower jaw runs parallel to the plane of the muzzle in profile. This gives the muzzle a square appearance. The lips and flews should never be long, pendulous, or hang well below the under jawline.
Nose: The nose is well-pigmented, black, or self-colored, according to the coat in diluted colors such as blues, grays, or blue or gray fawns. The nostrils are large and well-opened. The nose lies directly above the chin, neither exceeding nor receding beyond the point of the chin.
Cheeks: Powerfully filled, with smooth, strong muscles giving breadth to the face. The cheeks should appear neither chiseled nor coarse.
Dentition and Bite: Forty-two strong, clean, and white teeth. The bite may be scissor, level, reverse-scissor, or just slightly undershot. Contact between the top and bottom incisors is preferred, but a loss of 1/4 of an inch or less of contact is permissible. Missing or broken teeth as a result of routine work are not to be penalized.
Eyes: Moderate in size, oval, almond, or lemon-shaped, and may range from amber or green to dark brown in color. The eye rims are well-fitted and well-pigmented. The eyes are never bulging. There should be sufficient bone in the surrounding orbital sockets to protect the eyes. Haw or whites should not be visible when the dog is looking forward. There should be no indication of entropion, ectropion, or other eye anomaly or defect.
Ears: Medium in size, set high on the skull above the zygomatic arches/cheekbones, wide apart, triangular in shape, dropped, hanging close to the head, with tips falling close to the cheeks. The ears are never long and never extend beyond the lower jawbone. The ears may also be cropped short into equilateral triangles.

Body and Tail

General Description: Powerfully constructed, compact, solid, and substantial. The body is never racy or refined. The width at the forequarters is approximately equal to the width at the hindquarters. The body is well-put-together, sturdy, and with solid bone.
Neck: Moderate length, equaling approximately 1/3 the height at the withers, powerfully muscled, with a slight arch. The neck tapers smoothly from the deeper and broader body toward the head. The neck is overall clean-cut, without excess skin, but light throatiness or a minimal dewlap is permissible.
Chest: Deep and broad but never wider than deep. The brisket extends to the point of the elbows. The forechest is well-developed but not prominent.
Topline: Level from slightly prominent withers to croup. The back is broad, strongly muscled, and straight, yet supple. The loin is short, taut, and may be flat and level or slightly arched, yet it is supportive and gives an almost imperceptible rise over the level of the croup. The topline is never long, swayed, or roached.
Croup: Broad, long, and slightly sloped. The rump is powerfully muscled and rounded.
Underline: A slight to moderate tuck-up is present, or the underline is parallel to the topline. The underline is taut and firm, without any indication of sagging or excess weight.
Ribs: Long, well-sprung, well-laid-back, oval-shaped, never barrel-chested or slab-sided.
Tail: Set neither high nor low on the croup but as a natural extension of the topline. It is thick at the base and tapering toward the tip. Carried in accordance with the dog’s mood and energy level, but never tucked or carried up over the back. The tail may be left natural (preferred) or docked short. Natural tails are of a medium length, with the tip of the last vertebrae extending to the hock joints when held down. The tail may be straight or gently curved. Docked tails are cut to the fourth tail vertebrae.

Forequarters and Hindquarters

Forequarters: The forequarters are always in balance with the hindquarters and well-angulated with well-laid-back shoulder blades. Shoulder blades are approximately equal in length to the upper arm and forearm.
Elbows: The elbows are close to the body. The point of the elbows is approximately half the dog’s height at the withers.
Forelegs: Frontal View: Straight, of good muscle, solid bone, and parallel to one another.
Side View: The forelimbs appear straight with strong pasterns.
Pasterns: Never weak or broken.
Hindquarters: The upper and lower thighs are equal in length, strong, sturdy, of solid bone, and well-muscled.
Rear View: When viewed from the rear, the rear pasterns are parallel to one another.
Side View: Good angulation will allow the rear toes to align with the point of the rump or within one to two paw-lengths behind the point of the rump, with the rear pasterns remaining perpendicular to the ground and parallel to one another.
Stifle Joint: Well-angulated, with a good bend to well-let-down rear pasterns.
Angulations: The angulation of the hindquarters is always in balance with the angulation of the forequarters.
Feet: Oval to round and compact, with well-arched toes and tough pads.


Skin: Thick and well-fitted, yet supple. The skin should never obstruct the outline of the dog.
Coat Type: The short, stiff, and shiny coat features a very dense outer coat with a soft, light undercoat. The coat density is subject to the season and climate, with thicker coats sported in winter and less dense coats sported in warmer climates and seasons.
Coat Color or Pattern: CKC recognizes two color varieties of the Cane Corso breed: standard and nonstandard.

Standard Coat Color Variety: Any shade of solid black, gray, blue, any shade of fawn (cream to reddish brown, always with a black or gray mask not extending beyond the brow, also called formentino), light fawn, stag red, dark fawn, apricot, blue fawn. Brindle (tigrato) may accompany any of these colors in any shade, including: “reverse” or black brindle, gray brindle, blue brindle, dark brindle, gold brindle, and light brindle. Small patches of white are permissible on the chest, toes, bridge of the nose, and chin.

Nonstandard Coat Color Variety: Any standard color without a mask, liver, Isabella (all with or without mask), cream, red, tawny (without mask), any of the above-mentioned standard or non-standard varieties with tan, red, or brindle points. Any coat color with white extending beyond the toes, chest, chin, or nasal bridge.


Smooth, flowing, effortless trot with powerful and agile action. The characteristics of a healthy structure are evident. When moving away, the forelegs and rear pasterns should remain parallel to one another. When viewing movement from the front, the forelegs should remain parallel, with elbows and paws moving neither moving in nor out. From the rear, the back pads should be visible when the rear legs are extended. As speed increases, the forelimbs and hindlimbs will converge to the center line of gravity. From the side, the topline should remain firm and level. Good reach of movement in the front allows the forepaw to extend out in line with the nose. When extended, the width between the forefeet should be approximately equal to the width between the hindfeet when extended, indicating balance, good reach, and good drive. Dogs that exhibit any sign of breathing or locomotive difficulty shall be disqualified from the show ring.


The Cane Corso is a noble and majestic breed. Originally developed as a protector, hunters, catch dogs, and drovers, they are confident, self-composed, and well aware of their own capabilities. Their intelligence allows for easy training, making them capable of learning many disciplines and skills, such as agility and weight pulling. They are watchful, responsive, loyal, and affectionate to their family and people but can be somewhat stand-offish or indifferent towards strangers. Any unprovoked aggressive or fearful behavior toward people is incorrect for this breed.


All dogs should be in proper healthy condition, free from disease or defect. Any departure from this description is considered a fault. Unless altered, all male dogs should have two fully descended testicles.