Question 1

What size dog are you looking for?
- 1. Tiny (less than 10 lbs)
- 2. Small (10-25 lbs)
- 3. Medium (25-40 lbs)
- 4. Large (40-75 lbs)
- 5. Huge (more than 75 lbs)
- 6. No preference, any size dog is fine
Question 2

What will be the primary role of your dog?
- 1. A companion only
- 2. Child's play mate
- 3. Exercise partner
- 4. Guard/watch dog
Question 3

What type of exercising would you look to do with your dog?
- 1. I prefer more of a couch potato
- 2. A moderate amount, more than once a day
- 3. A moderate amount, frequently during the day
- 4. Intense, prolonged exercise each day
Question 4

Will your dog be around other pets?
- 1. Yes, other dogs
- 2. Yes, cats
- 3. Yes, dogs and cats
- 4. No
Question 5

What level of training will your dog need?
- 1. House training only
- 2. Basic obedience training
- 3. Intermediate obedience or agility
- 4. Advanced training for competitive events
- 5. Specialized and/or service training
Question 6

How often can you groom your dog?
- 1. Little to none
- 2. A few times per month
- 3. A few times per week
- 4. Daily
- 5. Whatever it takes to look fabulous!
Question 7

Can you handle shedding?
- 1. Not at all
- 2. I can manage
- 3. Yes! It doesn't bother me
Question 8

How protective would you like your dog to be?
- 1. Not protective at all
- 2. It doesn't matter
- 3. Only in certain situations, rarely
- 4. Very protective
Question 9

Where will your dog live?
- 1. Mostly indoors, apartment
- 2. Mostly indoors, house
- 3. Mostly outdoors, fenced yard
- 4. Completely outdoors, shaded pen or dog house
Please select an answer
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