
How to Keep Your Dog-friendly House Super Clean and Odor Free

People with pets understand how difficult it gets to keep things in order when it comes to tidiness and cleanliness. It’s a problem that’s absolutely worth your attention as it affects your pet’s health, as well as your own. Here are a few pieces of advice that you may find valuable in defending proper hygiene from your pooch’s chaos.


Make sure you air all the rooms in your home as often as you can, especially the ones where your dog likes to spend time the most. You will help keep the air fresher, as well as odor-free, which should not be disregarded, as we do not want to inhale dust, hair, dog dander, mold, or any unpleasant smells that the pet may be leaving behind.

Cleansing the Air

As mentioned earlier, the air we breathe ought to be cleansed and freshened frequently in order to preserve our health. Besides airing the rooms, purifiers are a convenient option as well, particularly those with HEPA filters, such as the effective mold air purifier by Oransi, which successfully removes allergens, mold, dust, dander, and other floating dangers, but also takes care of any unwanted lingering odors.


Having difficulties with odor? Try using scented candles, sticks, or air fresheners to get rid of the unpleasant smells. Naturally, this cannot substitute cleansing the air of the rooms, which should be done first, otherwise, you will only end up mixing the desired smells with the old odor, possibly making the situation even worse. Another useful way of tackling this issue is having plants or your favorite potted flowers in the room where your dog spends most of his time. They should be kept outside the pet’s reach, though.

Keeping Your Furniture Clean

This one is not too hard to achieve, as you can do it in several ways. The quickest is to use lint rollers to remove the unwanted hair and dandruff from fabric. So, it’s a convenient option not only with furniture, but also with clothes. But if you let your pooch lie in your armchair or on your couch, you can also put a slipcover, an old blanket, or sheets over such pieces of furniture—this will collect the dog hair and any possible dirt that might end up on the furniture, and you can remove the cover, clean it, wash it, and return it easily.


If you really want to avoid finding hairs everywhere you look and on everything you touch, then you should really focus on this one, especially if your dog sheds a lot. Choose an adequate brush for your dog’s coat and brush him every day, preferably somewhere outside, to stop all that hair from piling up in your home.

Wiping the Paws

Whenever you come back home after a walk, wipe your pet’s paws with a baby wipe or a dampened towel used specifically for those purposes. A lot less dirt, mud, and bacteria will be spread around your house or apartment if you invest just a few seconds into this simple task. You can also achieve the same effect by getting booties for your dog—socks or shoes will not only keep those paws clean, but also safe.

Potty Training

Needless to say, this step is truly important when it comes to hygiene. Teaching your dog to poop or pee only in specific places is done most easily when he is still a puppy. So start early, before he develops a poor routine that will make it more difficult for you to keep your home neat. To make the training process more effective and quicker, you can use toilet attractant drops or spray.

Setting Boundaries

If you’d like to avoid finding hairs in the food you cook, or if you need to keep a certain area of your home really clean, teach your dog that there are parts of the house or apartment where he is not allowed to go, such as the kitchen.


Regardless of all the measures taken to prevent it, your dog will inevitably gather dirt, dust, and dandruff in his coat, simply due to his need to sniff everything, run around, and explore any corner that piques his curiosity, both outdoors and indoors. Also, some breeds have oilier coats, and if yours is of that sort, you have yet another reason to bathe your dog regularly. Be sure to find the appropriate bath schedule for your dog’s coat, because bathing too frequently or not often enough can both have negative consequences for your dog’s coat and skin.

If you combine these measures with regular dusting, vacuuming, and mopping, you and your guests will be able to fully enjoy your home as a truly pleasant, clean place to live and be in.

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